Search Result
The search expression was < chuva mato meteorologia:meteorologia preve terca feira muita chuva mato grosso:>.
79 similar references were found(including the original one) looking up in 22 out of 22 Archives
(this total might include some duplicates - to see the right count click the Display All button).
The 10 most recent ones are listed below.
Search local date and time: 26/04/2024 14:41.

id 8JMKD3MGPGW34M/45TCRGP    Newspaper Article    (1.00)    -m-
G1 :2012:
Meteorologia prevê terça-feira de muita chuva em Mato Grosso
metadata (BibTeXReferHow to cite?XMLxreferoai_dcCover)
URL <> (16 KiB) statisticsaccessdownloadupdate +
id 8JMKD3MGPGW/467T3AB    Newspaper Article    (0.62)    -m-
G1 :2012:
Meteorologia prevê chuva forte para Mato Grosso nesta terça-feira
metadata (BibTeXReferHow to cite?XMLxreferoai_dcCover)
URL <> (16 KiB) statisticsaccessdownloadupdate +
id 8JMKD3MGPGW34M/462JT9E    Newspaper Article    (0.62)    -m-
G1 :2012:
Meteorologia prevê terça-feira de calor e chuva à tarde em Mato Grosso
metadata (BibTeXReferHow to cite?XMLxreferoai_dcCover)
URL <> (16 KiB) statisticsaccessdownloadupdate +
id 8JMKD3MGPGW34M/45Q8KAE    Newspaper Article    (0.62)    -m-
G1 :2012:
Meteorologia prevê chuva forte para Mato Grosso nesta terça-feira
metadata (BibTeXReferHow to cite?XMLxreferoai_dcCover)
URL <> (15 KiB) statisticsaccessdownloadupdate +
id 8JMKD3MGPGW34M/44Q2CEE    Newspaper Article    (0.62)    -m-
G1 :2013:
Meteorologia prevê chuva para esta terça-feira em parte de Mato Grosso
metadata (BibTeXReferHow to cite?XMLxreferoai_dcCover)
URL <> (16 KiB) statisticsaccessdownloadupdate +
id 8JMKD3MGPGW34M/466TL7L    Newspaper Article    (0.58)    -m-
G1 :2012:
Meteorologia prevê muita chuva para todo Mato Grosso nesta quinta-feira
metadata (BibTeXReferHow to cite?XMLxreferoai_dcCover)
URL <> (17 KiB) statisticsaccessdownloadupdate +
id 8JMKD3MGPGW34M/45P3PU8    Newspaper Article    (0.54)    -m-
G1 :2012:
Meteorologia prevê sexta-feira de chuva em parte de Mato Grosso
metadata (BibTeXReferHow to cite?XMLxreferoai_dcCover)
URL <> (15 KiB) statisticsaccessdownloadupdate +
id 8JMKD3MGPGW34M/45P3LJ5    Newspaper Article    (0.54)    -m-
G1 :2012:
Meteorologia prevê final de semana de muita chuva em Mato Grosso
metadata (BibTeXReferHow to cite?XMLxreferoai_dcCover)
URL <> (15 KiB) statisticsaccessdownloadupdate +
id 8JMKD3MGPGW/468TFJS    Newspaper Article    (0.50)    -m-
G1 :2012:
Meteorologia prevê chuva forte no Norte de Mato Grosso nesta terça
metadata (BibTeXReferHow to cite?XMLxreferoai_dcCover)
URL <> (16 KiB) statisticsaccessdownloadupdate +
id 8JMKD3MGPGW34M/45T6F58    Newspaper Article    (0.50)    -m-
G1 :2012:
Meteorologia prevê tempo nublado e chuva nesta terça em Mato Grosso
metadata (BibTeXReferHow to cite?XMLxreferoai_dcCover)
URL <> (15 KiB) statisticsaccessdownloadupdate +